- J. Fukui, N. Nakatsuka, K. Tainaka, H. Higashino, J. Hayashi, F. Akamatsu, Co-combustion Behavior of Pulverized Coal Particles with Ammonia Stabilized by Hydrogen/Air Diffusion Flame in the Laminar Counterflow Field, TFEC9-1118, (2017), accepted.
- Jun Hayashi, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Iwao Morimoto, Fumiteru Akamatsu, “Time evolution of the high temperature region formed by laser induced breakdown and of the development of the flame kernel in the constant volume combustion vessel”, Proc. SPIE 10328, Selected Papers from the 31st International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics, 1032813 (February 20, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2268728.
- 武石裕行,石川遥平,林 潤,岡南貴大,山本康之,飯野公夫,赤松史光, 同軸流拡散火炎におけるNH3/N2/O2火炎の安定性と火炎長計測, 日本機械学会論文集,83-847(2017), p.16-00494.
- Sergey Stepanyan, Jun Hayashi, Arthur Salmon, Gabi D Stancu and Christophe O Laux, Large-volume excitation of air, argon, nitrogen and combustible mixtures by thermal jets produced by nanosecond spark discharges, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 26-4(2017), 04LT01
- Sergey Stephanynan, Jun Hayashi, Sara Lovascio, Gabi Stancu and Chritophe Laux, Hydrodynamic effects induced by nanosecond sparks in air and air/fuel mixtures, AIAA SciTech 2017, (2017), accepted.
- Ryuichi Murai, Ryohei Omori, Ryuki Kano, Yuji Tada, Hidetaka Higashino, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Jun Hayashi, Fumiteru Akamatsu, Kimio Iino and Yasuyuki Yamamoto, The radiative characteristics of NH3/N2/O2 non-premixed flame in 10 kW test furnace, (2017), INFUB2017.
- N. Hashimoto, J. Hayashi, N. Nakatsuka, K. Tainaka, S. Umemoto, H. Tsuji, F. Akamatsu, H. Watanabe, H. Makino, Primary soot particle distribution in a combustion field of 4 kW pulverized coal jet burner measured by time resolved laser induced incandescence(TiRe-LII), Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (2016), Accepted.
- 白神洋輔,堀 司,林 潤,毛笠明志,赤松史光, 管状火炎二段燃焼を用いた酸素富化燃焼のNOx低減, 日本機械学会論文集, 82-838(2016), 15-00585.
- H. Watanabe, Y. Shoji, T. Yamagaki, J. Hayashi, F. Akamatsu, K. Okazaki, “Secondary atomization and spray flame characteristics of carbonated W/O emulsified fuel”, Fuel, 182(2016), 259-265.
- 白石 裕司,中塚記章,宮内隆志,林 潤,赤松史光, “都市ごみ焼却炉におけるFuel NOx の生成に及ぼす揮発成分の影響に関する詳細素反応解析”, 日本機械学会論文集, (2016), accepted.
- [Review]F. Akamatsu, “Optical measurement and numerical simulation of spray combustion”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 11-1 (2016),15-0688.
林 潤
渡部弘達,東海林 豊,山垣拓馬,林 潤,赤松史光,岡崎 健