- Modeling of the Mean Reaction Rate in Turbulent Premixed Flames, Masashi Katsuki and Yukio Mizutani, Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, (Eds. M. Yasuhara, H. Daiguji and K. Oshima), (1990), pp. 441-446, Japan. Society Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Numerical Prediction of Coaxial Flow Diffusion Flames with Radiative Heat Transfer, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Akihiro Ando, Yoshihiroro Hattori, Yoichi Jinja and Do Hyung Lee,
JSME Int. J., Ser.2, 33-4(1990), pp. 772-777.
- Local Flame Structure and its Influence on Mixing Processes in Turbulent Premixed Flames, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Toshihiko Yasuda, Yoji Kurosawa, Kazuya Kobayashi and Takeo Takahashi, Combustion and Flame, 82-1(1990), pp. 93-105.
- Turbulence and Mixing in Turbulent Premixed Flames (Fine Flame Structure and Its Influence on Mixing Processes), Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Toshihiko Yasuda, Yoji Kurosawa, Kazuya Kobayashi and Takeo Takahashi, JSME Int. J., Ser.2, 33-3(1990), pp. 582-590.
- Observation of the Distributed Reaction Zone in Turbulent Premixed Flames, Takeo Takahashi, Masashi Katsuki and Yukio Mizutani,
JSME Int. J., Ser.2, 33-2(1990), pp. 349-354.
- Nonoxidation Direct Heating by a Flame for the Annealing Process at Steel Industry, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Tadao Ogawa and Koji Hatta, Int. Symp. Energy System, Management and Economics, (1989), pp. 131-135, Japan Society of Energy and Resources.
- Modeling of the Mean Reaction Rate in Turbulent Premixed Flames, Masashi Katsuki and Yukio Mizutani, The Third Int. Symp. Computational Fluid Dynamics, (1989), pp. 453-458.
- The Effect of Turbulence on the Fine Structure and Propagation of Lean Turbulent Flames Sustained by a Hot Jet, Masashi Katsuki, Takeo Takahashi and Yukio Mizutani, Joint Conference of Australia and Japanese Sections of the Combustion Institute, (1989), pp. 157-159.
- 放射熱再循環を伴う燃焼器の数値シミュレーション,香月正司,水谷幸夫,小野裕司, 日本機械学会論文集,55-520B(1989), pp. 3766-3771.
- Modeling of the Reaction Rate in Turbulent Premixed Flames, Masashi Katsuki and Yukio Mizutani, JSME Int. J., Ser.2, 32-4(1989), pp. 659-665.
- Nonoxidation Direct Heating by a Flame for the Annealing Process at Steel Industry, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Tadao Ogawa and Koji Hatta, Energy System, Management and Economics: Selected Papers from IFAC/IFORS/IAEE Symposium, (1989), pp. 125-129, International Federation of Automatic Control.
- 乱流予混合火炎からの燃焼ごう音の発生, 香月正司,水谷幸夫,千頭基孝,橘高大造, 高温学会誌,15-3(1989), pp. 117-124. 本論文にて高温学会論文賞を受賞, (1990-6).
- 乱流予混合火炎における乱れと混合 (第2報, 局所火炎構造と混合に及ぼす 火炎の影響), 香月正司,水谷幸夫,安田俊彦,黒沢要治,小林一弥,高橋丈雄, 日本機械学会論文集,55-514B(1989), pp. 1729-1736.
- 乱流予混合火炎の分散反応領域の観察, 高橋丈雄, 香月正司,水谷幸夫,
日本機械学会論文集,55-511B(1989), pp. 859-864.
- 放射伝熱を考慮した同軸流拡散火炎の数値解析, 香月正司,水谷幸夫,安藤昭宏,服部宜弘,神社洋一,李度衡, 日本機械学会論文集,55-510B(1989), pp. 523-528.
- Behavior of a Laminar Premixed Flame Placed in an Intense Radiation Field, Yukio Mizutani, Tomoki Yoshida and Masashi Katsuki, First KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, (1988), Vol. 1, pp. 351-355.
- Numerical Prediction of Coaxial Flow Diffusion Flames with Radiative Heat Transfer, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Akihiro Ando, Yoshiro Hattori, Yoichi Jinja and Do-Hyung Lee, First KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (1988), Vol. 1, pp. 329-334.
- 乱流予混合火炎の燃焼反応モデル, 香月正司,水谷幸夫, 日本機械学会論文集,54-506B(1988), pp. 2911-2916.
- The Effect of Initial Condition on the Propagation of a Premixed Flame in a Mixing Layer, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Toshihiko Yasuda, Yoji Kurosawa, Kazuya Kobayashi and Takeo Takahashi, Combustion and Flame, 74-1(1988), pp. 9-18.
- Measurement of Flame Temperature by Optical Fiber Thermometer, Takeo Takahashi, Masashi Katsuki and Yukio Mizutani, Experiments in Fluids, 6-8(1988), pp. 514-520.
- 乱流予混合火炎における乱れと混合 (第1報, 乱流特性と火炎の広がり) 香月正司,水谷幸夫,安田俊彦,黒沢要治,小林一弥,高橋丈雄, 日本機械学会論文集,54-500B(1988), pp. 993-999.
- 黒体空洞感温部を持つ光ファイバ温度計による火炎温度の測定,高橋丈雄, 香月正司,水谷幸夫, 日本機械学会論文集,53-495B(1987), pp. 3417-3422.
- An Improved Thermocouple Technique for Measurement of Fluctuating Temperatures in Flames, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani and Yasushi Matsumoto, Combustion and Flame, 67-1(1987), pp. 27-36.
- Sound Emission from a Turbulent Flame, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Mototaka Chikami and Taizo Kittaka, Twenty-first Symposium (International) on Combustion, (1986), pp. 1543-1550, The Combustion Institute.
- The Influence of Duct Geometry on Unsteady Premixed Flames, Masashi Katsuki and James H. Whitelaw, Combustion and Flame, 63-1/2(1986), pp. 87-94.
- 円柱に保持された乱流予混合火炎の構造, 香月正司,水谷幸夫,太田晃,崔炳輪,日本機械学会論文集,51-470B(1985), pp. 3215-3222.
- 熱電対による火炎温度とその変動の測定, 水谷幸夫,松本弥寸嗣,香月正司,日本機械学会論文集,51-468B(1985), pp.2656-2663.
- Structure of Premixed Turbulent Flames (Part 1, Flames Dominated by Coherent Structure), Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Byeong-Ryun Choi, Etsuo Shibata and Katsufumi Akitomo, Bulletin of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27-234(1984), pp.2818-2825.
- 乱流予混合火炎の構造(第1報,コヒーレントうずに支配される火炎), 香月正司,水谷幸夫,崔炳輪,柴田悦雄,秋友克文,日本機械学会論文集,50-452B(1984), pp. 1077-1087.
- Structure of Premixed Turbulent Flames Stabilized by a Cylindrical Flame Holder, Masashi Katsuki, Yukio Mizutani, Akira Ohta and Byeong-Ryun Choi, The 1983 Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, 4(1983), pp. 175-181, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- 放射噴流拡散火炎バーナの火炎安定機構, 水谷幸夫,香月正司,上田正則,
日本機械学会論文集,49-439B(1983), pp. 724-728.