- [解説]Plasma-assisted ignition and flame stabilization by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, Christophe, O. Laux, Da A. Xu, Diane L. Rusterholtz, Guillaume Pilla, Marien S. Simeni, Sara Lovascio, Deanna Lacoste, Gabi D. Stancu and Jun Hayashi, 微粒化, 24-83 (2015), 81-84.
- [特集記事]噴霧燃焼の光学計測, 赤松 史光, 可視化情報, 35-137 (2015), 46-51.
- 酸素富化燃焼におけるアンモニア層流予混合火炎のNOx生成特性, 武石 裕行,岡南貴大,林 潤,飯野 公夫,赤松 史光, 機械学会論文集, 81 (2016), in print
- 管状火炎を用いた二段燃焼のNOx低減効果, 白神 洋輔,堀 司,林 潤,毛笠 明志,赤松 史光, 機械学会論文集, 81-832(2015), 15-00343
- 酸素富化燃焼におけるアンモニア層流予混合火炎の基礎燃焼特性, 武石 裕行,林 潤,河野 翔太,有田 航,飯野 公夫,赤松 史光, 機械学会論文集, 81 -824(2015), 14-00423
- メタン-酸素同軸非予混合火炎を用いたシリカ粒子球状化における微粒子生成特性, 林 潤,鈴木信吾,赤松史光,萩原義之,飯野公夫, 機械学会論文集, 81-822(2015),14-00417
- Observation of droplet behaviors of emulsified fuel in secondary atomization in flame, Hirotatsu Watanabe, Yutaka Shoji, Takuma Yamagaki, Jun Hayashi, Fumiteru Akamatsu, Ken Okazaki, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, (2014), Accepted.
- メタン-空気希薄予混合火炎に対する誘電体バリア放電の重畳効果, 鈴木誠志,林 潤,赤松史光, 機械学会論文集, 80-815(2014),TEP0198.
- 模擬発生炉ガスの予熱温度と組成変化が部分燃焼方式のガス改質過程におけるすす生成に及ぼす影響, 中塚記章,林 潤,井本靖志,桐村祐貴, 土橋孝平,赤松史光, 粉体工学会誌, 51(2014), 258-263.
- Large-eddy simulation of turbulent spray combustion in a subscale aircraft jet engine combustor-predictions of no and soot concentrations, Hideki Moriai, Ryoichi Kurose, Hiroaki Watanabe, Yutaka Yano, Fumiteru Akamatsu and Satoru Komori, J. Eng. Gas Turbiners Power, 135-9(2013), 091503
- Ignition characteristics of methane/air premixed mixture by microwave-enhanced laser-induced breakdown plasma, Atsushi Nishiyama,Ahsa Moon,Yuji Ikeda,Jun Hayashi and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Optical Express, 21-S6(2013), A1094-A1101
- Effects of elevated pressure on rate of photosynthesis during plant growth, Hiroyuki Takeishi,Jun Hayashi,Atsushi Okazawa,Kazuo Harada,Kazumasa Hirata,Akio Kobayashi and Fumiteru Akamatsu
Journal of Biothechnology, 168(2013), 135-141.
- 植物の潜在特性を調べるための環境制御装置の開発と高圧環境下での植物育成速度の解析, 武石裕行,林 潤,岡澤敦司,原田和生,平田収正,木村康裕,小林昭雄,赤松史光, 日本エネルギー学会誌, 92(2013), 964-969
- Soot Formation Characteristics in a Lab-scale Turbulent Pulverized Coal Flame with Simultaneous Planar Measurements of Laser Induced Incandescence of Soot and Mie Scattering of Pulverized Coal, Jun Hayashi, Nozomu Hashimoto, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Hirofumi Tsuji, Hiroaki Watanabe, Hisao Makino and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 34(2013), 2435-2443
- Effects of Droplet Size Distribution of Fuel Spray on Soot Formation in Spray Flames Formed in a Laminar Counterflow, Jun Hayashi, Junichi Fukui, and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 34(2013), 1561-1568
- 【解説記事】Eximer蛍光法を用いた燃料噴霧中の液滴と蒸気の同時可視化, 赤松史光, エアロゾル研究, 27-2(2012), 166-175
- メタン – 空気予混合気に対するピコ秒パルスレーザーのレーザー着火特性, 古井憲治,林 潤,岡田朝貴,中塚記章,平等拓範,堀 輝成, 赤松史光, 日本機械学会論文集B編, (2012), accepted
- Decomposition of Toluene as A Biomass Tar Through Partial Combustion, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Yasushi Imoto, Jun Hayashi, Miki Taniguchi, Kenichi Sasauchi, Mayumi Matsuda and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 6-6(2012), 869-877
- 【解説記事】減圧沸騰噴霧熱分解を用いたナノ粒子合成, 林 潤, 赤松 史光, 粉体工学会誌, 49-1(2012), 26-34.
- 層流対向流場に形成された噴霧火炎の三次元数値解析, 福井淳一, 林 潤, 赤松史光, 微粒化, 20-70(2011), 100-105.
- メタン/空気希薄予混合火炎におけるプロンプトNOX生成の雰囲気圧力依存性, 林 潤, 志賀祐一, 中塚記章, 柏原宏行, 赤松史光, 日本機械学会論文集B編, 77-783(2011), 2200-2209
- 燃焼場近傍における水素濃度がバイオマスタールの重合に及ぼす影響, 中塚記章,林 潤,井本靖志,谷口美希,笹内謙一,松田真由美,赤松史光, 日本エネルギー学会誌, 90(2011),1038-1046.
- Effects of fuel droplet size on soot formation in spray flames formed in a laminar counterflow, Jun Hayashi, Hiroaki Watanabe, Ryoichi Kurose, Fumiteru Akamatsu, Combustion and Flame, 158-12(2011), 2559-2568.
- 航空機ガスタービンエンジン燃焼器のサブスケールモデル内部における噴霧燃焼の光学計測, 森合秀樹, 林 潤, 王 鵬, 中塚記章, 赤松史光, 黒瀬良一, 小森 悟, 日本ガスタービン学会誌, 39-2(2011), 125-130.
- Soot formation, spray characteristics, and structure of jet spray flames under high pressure, Mariko Nakamura, Daichi Nishioka, Jun Hayashi and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Combustion and Flame, 158(2011), 1615-1623.
- 【特集記事】ガスタービンエンジン内部の燃焼流れ場計測 -サブスケールモデルを用いた噴霧計測-, 林 潤, 森合秀樹, 中塚記章, 泰中一樹, 赤松史光
可視化情報, 31-120(2011), 27-32.
- Ignition characteristics of methane/air premixed mixture by michrowave enhanced laser-induced breakdown plasma, Atsushi Nishiyama, Asa Moon, Yuji Ikeda, Jun Hayashi, Fumiteru Akamatsu
Proc. 1st Laser Ignition Conference, (2013.4.25), LIC8-4.
- Characteristics of laser ignition in methane/air premixed gas with pico-second pulse duration laser, Jun Hayashi, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Kenji Furui, Tomoki Okada, Takunori Taira and Fumiteru Akamatsu
Proc. 1st Laser Ignition Conference, (2013.4.25), LIC8-5.
- Effects of Laser Profiles on Laser Ignition of Methane/air Premixed gas, Jun Hayashi, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Yusuke Sawanaka, Tomoki Okada, Kenji Furui and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proc. 1st Laser Ignition Conference, (2013.4.25), LIC8-6.
- Effects of Initial Molar Density of Methane/air Pre-Mixture on Ignition Using Laser-Induced Breakdown, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Jun Hayashi and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proc. 1st Laser Ignition Conference, (2013.4.25), LIC8-7.
- Simultaneous Measurement of Soot Volume Fraction and Soot Particle Size Distribution in a Lab-scale Turbulent Pulverized Coal Flame, Jun Hayashi, Fumiteru Akamatsu, 2012 Low Rank Coal User Seminar, (2012.5.31).
- Time-Resolved Laser Induced Incandescence Measurement for a Combustion Field of the 0.5 kg-coal/h Pulverized Coal Jet Burner
- Jun Hayashi, Nozomu Hashimoto, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Hirofumi Tsuji, Hiroaki Watanabe, Hisao Makino, Fumiteru Akamatsu
Abstracts of the Fifth International Workshop on Laser Induced Incandescence, (2012.5. 11).
- Investigation of Spray Combustion Field with Swirl Flow in a Lab-Scale Aircraft Gas Turbine Combustor, Kazuki Tainaka, Jun Hayashi, Hideki Moriai, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Ryoichi Kurose, Satoru Komori and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proceedings of IGTC, (2011.11), IGTC2011-ABS-0059
- Study of Laser Induced Ignition for Combustible Mixtures with Pico-Second Pulse Duration Laser, Jun Hayashi, Kenji Furui, Tomoki Okada, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Takunori Taira, Terushige Hori and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proceedings of IGTC, (2011.11), IGTC2011-ABS-0145
- Effects of Pressure on Prompt NOX Formation Characteristics in Premixed Flame, Jun Hayashi, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Yuichi Shiga, Hiroyuki Kashihara and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proceedings of IGTC, (2011.11), IGTC2011-ABS-0142
- Experimental Measurement of Atomization Characteristics by Impingement of Two Liquid Jets, Ryota Sakisaka, Jun Hayashi, Yu Daimon, Nobuhiro Yamanishi and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Asia (ILASS-ASIA 2011), (2011.10), 123-128.
- Large-eddy simulation and experimental validation of spray flame, Ryoichi Kurose, Hiroaki Watanabe, Fumiteru Akamatsu, Jun Hayashi, Hideki Moriai and Satoru Komori, 2nd Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Spray Combustion (TCS2) , The Chia Laguna Conference Centre, Sardinia, Italy, (2011.9).
- Detection of Soot and PAHs at the Proximity of the Inverse Diffusion Flames by Using Laser Induced Incandescence and Laser Induced Fluorescence, Noriaki Nakatsuka, Yasushi Imoto, Jun Hayashi, Miki Taniguchi, Kenichi Sasauchi, Fumiteru Akamatsu
Proc. 23rd ICDERS, (2011.7), ID166.
- Effects of the width of droplet size distribution on soot formation in spray flame, Jun Hayashi, Junichi Fukui, Noriaki Nakatsuka and Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proc. ICDERS, (2011.7), ID216.
- Experimental Verification of Group Combustion in Liquid Fuel Sprays, Jun Hayashi, Fumiteru Akamatsu, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Group Combustion of Droplets and Sprays, (2011), 105-110.